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Stop Sending so Much Money to Out-of-Town Insurance Companies: Board Responsibilities to Reduce ISO PPC Ratings

Yellow card that says "Report Card ISO" on its cover

Emergency services organizations exist to respond to 9-1-1 calls; however, maybe less than 1% of the patrons of an emergency services organizations will ever need to call 9-1-1 and yet 90% or more of the patrons will purchase insurance on homes and businesses. 

During this presentation participants will begin to learn how governing boards of emergency services organizations can leverage the Insurance Services Office (ISO) Public Protection Classification (PPC) ratings so that homeowners, businesses, and local governments can reduce insurance premiums so that those savings stay within the community instead of going to out-of-town insurance companies that will not need the money if the community has improved its ability to respond to fires that result in smaller insurance claims.

Participants will learn about ISO PPC survey scoring determines a communities PPC rating and how such knowledge by boards can lead to improved ratings that will lower insurance premiums.

Participants will hear about practical strategies to analyze inadequacies in handling alarms (9-1-1 centers), fire operations, and water supply so that easy improvements and focused changes, improvements, and spending priorities can be directed by the board that will result in those lower insurance premiums.

Participants will also learn about how boards can avoid diminishing returns on changes, improvements, and spending that probably will not result in lower insurance premiums, as well as understanding the very negative impact of unequal water supply and fire operations.

Participants will also learn about the recent tax reforms that boards can communicate to businesses that will result in tax advantages of retrofitting buildings with lifesaving and property conserving protection.


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