Picking Up Where We Left Off: A Legislative Update from CFSI
Although the pandemic imposed many challenges in communicating with members of Congress and their staff, Congressional Fire Services Institute and the other national emergency service organizations have remained active on Capitol Hill engaging our federal legislators in discussion on issues benefiting our nation's emergency services. A featured speaker at our annual conference, CFSI Executive Director Bill Webb will join us once again to deliver an update on federal legislation and programs that impact our nation's emergency services organizations. He looks forward to taking your questions and hearing your thoughts on the information he will share with you.
Bill Webb has served as Executive Director of the Congressional Fire Services Institute in 1995. Throughout his career at CFSI, Webb has worked with members of Congress, Administration officials, and other national fire service leaders on a broad range of issues that address the health and safety of our nation's firefighters and emergency services personnel. He has written numerous articles that have published in the major trade publications and conducted presentations at state and national public safety conferences. His message often focuses on leadership and advocacy. With over 35 years of experience working in Washington, DC, Webb possesses a unique understanding of the legislative process and an ability to build consensus in order to advance fire service issues on Capitol Hill. He looks forward to sharing some of his insights on the issues that CFSI is addressing on Capitol Hill at our conference.